Concerns about future - "Acer Negundo" forest

  A month and ten days of dormancy for my bonsai forest. I'm very worried about the news spread nowadays and thinking of my personal safety and goods - in any case of a disaster 80% of what matters is life, but...every time I leave home for long is quite difficult because I must leave the trees behind, not because somebody said to me I can't, but logistically I can't - lack of transportation. 
    Fig.1.My forest as of mid February 2023
   Just imagine taking that potted trees on all my travels - it'll literally kill any chance of survival of it. I'm always thinking of how it will (might) react to the countryside air and direct sunlight, noting that these trees were stored mostly in the balcony and damages could occur with this major change of environment. Also, taking that on foreign transport can withdraw attention, I don't want everyone get concerned about my forest in an unwanted way. I remember once I had had a long walk in a neighborhood and taking pictures of certain trees when I feel a hand on my shoulder and <<you are sent by mayor? you want this tree down?>>. Damn, I felt enough stressed by the times when I feared cops, but this time I was wordless. Within a minute I told my story and the man was ok upon leaving. I felt sad to see there are trees in danger and civilian people like me or the respective man are unable to say a word because, meh [...].
   Almost two months past of 2023 and safety concerns become something of a daily basis... glad I finished successfully first session of exams in master's college and I can detach from all the actual madness. Furthermore I try finding a way to take my Acer Negundos with me during summer. Until then, I hope my plush tiger will do its best to guard the forest. Cheers! 🌳💡
    Fig.2.My forest and plush tiger


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